Homeschooling’s very popular around Australia with over 30,000 students involved. The Gold Coast has many homeschoolers from preschool to university level and beyond. Parent participation and supervision is necessary with homeschool tutoring on the Gold Coast or anywhere else.
There are a variety of reasons students and their parents decide to begin home school, it’s a decision that should not be taken lightly, but almost always works out for the best for the students
Some key reason why homeschooling is a great option on the Gold Coast:
- Philosophical
The Australian education system is ever changing and evolving, some of the more liberal ideas and philosophies of some school boards and teachers can be controversial. Being a democracy, Australia allows people with views that are a bit different than the mainstream to live in a manner they feel comfortable with. This includes being able to tutor children at home and in a way that fits in with their Philosophies and at the same time allows for home school help to be available when needed
- Religion
Although there are many schools run by religious organisations such as the Catholic Church, Mormon, Seven Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses and many others including non-Christian religions. There are still many people who have religious beliefs or convictions that are not compatible with these schools
- Bullying
Bullying is a very serious problem in many schools. Any child that’s slightly different is often picked on and bullied in the school system. Often this is not easily detected by teachers and others in charge at schools, but it can have dramatic effects on those who are bullied.
Student’s with red hair, those who are tall, short, obese or have features that are different are often singled out and subject to teasing or left out of group activities
- Dissatisfaction with Schools
Sometimes parents just feel that they are not happy with the standards of the schools that are available and want a better system and more control of their children’s education
- Travel
Australia is a huge country and many families have the urge to spend a few years traveling around. One of the main stumbling blocks preventing this is their children’s education. The best way around this is starting homeschooling where Gold Coast homeschoolers can be free to travel anywhere in the country or the whole world while getting their education
- Special Needs Students
There are a number of children all around Queensland and the Gold Coat with special needs that make it very difficult to fit into normal schools. Sometimes due to particular difficulties or disabilities, special care is required. Often it is better and easier for parents and helpers to educate and take care of the requirements of special needs children at home
Some children just naturally are not very interested in schoolwork and so need special encouragement and the right learning environment.
- Gifted Children
Some children are naturally gifted and find learning some things is very easy, whether its music, maths, sciences or languages, some children learn so much faster than others. The school system is not structured to cope with them so homeschooling is the ideal solution, allowing them to learn in a way best suited to their individual needs
Homeschool Curriculum
The Queensland Government and the education department have a basic Queensland curriculum that they ask you to base your homeschooling on. They do however allow you to create your own version that’s specific to your children’s capabilities and the areas you wish to cover so you can easily reach the various goals you desire to achieve.
Home School Tutoring on the Gold Coast
Deciding to homeschool your children is a huge undertaking and takes a lot of parent’s energy and time, but it has many advantages. Studies have revealed that homeschooled children on average achieve higher academic outcomes than those in the standard school system.
No parents can do it all and fortunately there a variety of homeschool tutoring professional’s available on the Gold Coast who can help you. They are available by the hour on a daily, weekly or monthly basis depending on your child’s schooling needs.
Homeschooling works for any subjected or grade level
Registering For Homeschool
Queensland law states that all children between the ages of six to sixteen must attend school, so if your children are being homeschooled, they need to be registered on the distance education scheme, correspondence school or as being homeschooled. Currently there is no provision for students to be simultaneously enrolled in a school and to do homeschooling. However, it’s possible for students with an arrangement through the school principle to attend some classes without being officially enrolled.
The Difference between Correspondence School and Home Schooling
Correspondence schools use a predetermined Australian national curriculum that students are required to follow. Homeschooling allows you to be much more independent and flexible; you can design your curriculum around your lifestyle rather than having your lifestyle controlled by your children’s education.
To Register on the gold Coast
The requirements are that you must live in Queensland and fill in an application form you can get from (HEU) the Queensland Home Education Unit.
They will provide you with a provisional registration that lasts for 60 days. This allows you the necessary time to compile the paperwork for your Certificate in Home Education.
The details they will require include:
- Your children’s general details such as age, sex, previous education details
- How you intend to provide a high quality of education to your child or children
- Details of the individualized education program you will be providing for your child or children and how this caters for their needs
- How you will monitor their progress
- Evidence of having a suitable environment for homeschooling
Homeschool tutoring on the Gold Coast is a great way for many families to educate their children, it allows you the freedom to create your own lifestyle rather than have your life created around the education system. It’s ideal for gifted children, those with disabilities and slow learners.
At Flourish we offer group and individual tuition for homeschoolers on Monday to Thursday between 8am and 3pm. We have various weekly sessions focusing on English, Math, Art, Drama, Yoga, Mindfulness, Growth Mindset and Social Skills. In the past we have also organised homeschool surfing, stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, indoor trampolining, roller skating, ten-pin bowling and geocaching. Our programs are guided by the Australian Curriculum outcomes, QCAA and BOSNSW yet delivered very flexibly and creatively. We aim to integrate subjects as much as possible and collaborate with experts in the creative arts to deliver our programs. We meet the child where they are at and help them progress to the next developmental stage rather than trying to align them with a particular age or grade level. All our programs are guided by the strengths, needs and interests of the children. We are very experienced at working with children with diverse needs and pride ourselves on providing a safe and supportive environment. Consultations are also available to assist with your programming and reporting requirements as well as advice about transitioning to new settings.
For more information call 0434 594 764 or email [email protected]